Combined, the coaches bring over 30 years of experience to this team. Our goals include working with swimmers to improve their stroke technique, build endurance, and increase competitive swimming skills. For many swimmers, this will build on years of practice, but for others, it will be a new experience. We will do our best to instruct in an encouraging and upbeat way to create an environment where all swimmers feel safe and welcome. We expect our swimmers to show respect to both their coaches and teammates, thus creating a positive atmosphere for all team members. We pride ourselves, as a team, on showing good sportsmanship towards opposing teams during all competitions. All of our swimmers have the ability to learn new things and improve on what they already know. We guarantee that with some hard work and dedication, each swimmer will notice a significant improvement throughout the season.
As participants on the Longfellow Stingrays Swim team- coaches, swimmers, and parents- we agree with and support the following tenants of competitive swimming:
Furthermore, we acknowledge and support these expectations:
As Coaches
As Swimmers
As Parents