The coaches expect the following from all of our swimmers and families.
I. Promptness: Please be on time to practices and meets
II. Kindness: No poking, prodding, touching, hitting, splashing, name calling, etc.
III. Politeness: Please & thank yous
IV. Prepared: Come with your suit, cap, goggles, WATER BOTTLES, and towels. Please use the bathroom beforehand.
V. Open Communication – Please use email whenever possible
a. Sign up for meets in advance (yes or no) at least ONE week ahead of time on Team App and please be committed to that meet. If a swimmer is not signed up at least one week prior to a meet, they WILL NOT be allowed to participate. Any changes to your swimmer’s status within the one week time frame must be changed in Team App as well as sending an email to Sarah and Jessa at
b. E-mail emergency meet cancellations ASAP (no later than 10:00 AM on the day of the meet).
c. Check email regularly throughout the season
i. If you are not receiving emails almost weekly, let us know immediately!
ii. Inclement weather cancellations will all be announced via Team App
VI. Volunteer – YOU can be trained! All families are expected to volunteer a minimum of 3-4 times throughout the season. Any family who does not meet this minimum jeopardizes their swimmer’s registration for future seasons.
These options include:
a. Volunteer opportunities at meets (starter, timer, stroke and turn judge, runner, scorer, ribbon sorter, walker, door monitor, bullpen, parent gym monitor)
b. Volunteer opportunities at practice the day after a meet (ribbon labeler and sorters)
c. Photography
d. Fundraising
VII. Meets – All swimmers must attend a minimum of
5 meets (3 home and 2 away) AND championships. In accordance with league rules, a swimmer must swim MORE than 1 race per meet in order for that meet to count towards their Championship eligibility.
a. Sign up in advance! No later than one week before the meet
b. If your child is going to miss a meet you already signed up for due to illness, please let Jessa know ASAP through email. Coaches spend a lot of time and effort setting up the roster and last-minute changes are difficult, so the more notice the better.
c. For each meet, all swimmers on the team are expected to stay together in a designated location. For home meets this will be one half of the basketball court. No one will be permitted to leave this area unless they are given permission by a designated coach. Swimmers who leave this area without permission will not be searched for when it is time for their race.
d. Swimmers are expected to stay until the end of the meet, and join the team cheer following the last race. Swimmers who need to leave the meet early must check in with designated coaches before leaving or tell Jessa before the meet.
VIII. Championships
a. There are two parts of championships, split by age
1. 6-10 year olds in morning
2. 11 and older in the afternoon
b. Occurs in early March at Boston University
c. All swimmers MUST attend this meet unless they receive prior permission for extenuating circumstances from Jessa by 1/1/22. Swimmers who do not receive prior permission and do not attend championships will not be permitted to register for the team next season??.
IX. Sportsmanship
a. The key word is respect: for your teammates, coaches, officials, competition, parents, swimming facilities, and yourself. Disrespectfulness or negative talking will not be tolerated, especially towards fellow teammates and coaches
b. All swimmers are expected to try their best and display the highest level of sportsmanship. This includes cheering for teammates, participating in the team cheer, and staying in the water until ALL swimmers have finished the race and shaking hands or congratulating the other swimmers.
X. Code of Conduct/Anti-Bullying Policy
a. In conjunction with Natick’s anti-bullying initiative, the Stingrays Swim Team has created our own Code of Conduct outlining expected behavior of both the swimmers and parents. All parents must review this document closely and return the last page, signed by both swimmer and parent, indicating that you understand and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct for the entire season. This form is due within the first month of the season.
b. Swimmers and/or parents who do not follow the Code of Conduct will jeopardize their continued participation with the Stingrays Swim Team. Violations of this code will be addressed on a case by case basis.
XI. Club Rules
The Longfellow Health Club has particular rules regarding children and supervision in the club. During your children’s official practice time, they are our responsibility. Once practice time is over, you and they must abide by the following:
a. Any child that is 11 and younger must be directly supervised by a parent or guardian that is 14 or older while in the pool area while doing free swim.
b. Any child that is 10-13 may be in the club (other than the pool area) as long as a parent or guardian is also in the building.
c. Any child that is 9 and under must have a parent with them at all times, including while playing basketball in the gym or using any other facilities in the club. This means that you must be here supervising your child when they exit the pool from practice.
d. Any child that is 14 or older can be in the club by themselves.
f. If you are not members of the club, your child may not use any part of the facility other than the pool and locker rooms during designated practice and meet times. Any parent or sibling that is not a member may not use any of the facilities unless you pay a guest fee.
Locker Room Expectations
a. Please remind your child that the swim team members are not the only people in the locker room. There are members using the club as well and we expect that the swimmers abide by our Code of Conduct and responsibilities. Any reports of horseplay, foul language, bullying will jeopardize your child’s spot on the team. This will be handled on a case by case basis.
b. If your child sees any misbehavior by other swimmers, please encourage them to tell the coaches.